The Lean Six Sigma AssessmentGet Started
How many employees work at your site?
What is your on time delivery rate?
What is your first pass yield from your production line?
How long are your change overs between jobs?
How much continuous improvement training have you completed?
How much WIP do you have in your processes?
What level of competence have your leaders and managers demonstrated in developing and supporting high performance CI teams?
How much scrap do you generate?
How easy is it to recognize if things are missing or out of place on your shop floor?
How does production know if they are having a good day? Do you have KPIs?
How much do your employees walk to get materials or move product?
What percentage of your employees would you describe as actively engaged?
How receptive are the people to change?
Has the front end of the business been exposed to CI?
How often are your machines down during production?
Do you fully use control charts on your shop floor to manage production?
How is continuous improvement implemented in your organization?
Are there repetitive concerns with quality, productivity, safety, ergonomics, human error?